Headshot of 玛丽亚Hinojosa


2024年1月10日, 玛丽亚Hinojosa ’84, Barnard’s Distinguished Journalist-in-Residence, was named the recipient of the 爱德华R. Murrow Lifetime Achievement Award

爱德华R. Murrow Lifetime Achievement Award, which is conferred by the Murrow School of Journalism at Washington State University, recognizes top leaders in the communications industry who have made outstanding achievements throughout their careers. Hinojosa will receive the award at the 48th Murrow Symposium, scheduled for April 3, where she will also deliver the keynote address.

Hinojosa, who graduated from Barnard in 1984, is an Emmy-award-winning journalist who has worked for PBS, 哥伦比亚广播公司, WNBC, 美国有线电视新闻网, 和美国国家公共电台, and hosted the talk show 玛丽亚Hinojosa: One-on-One. She is also the founder of Futuro Media, whose podcast 温和的 won the Pulitzer Prize in 2022. Throughout her decades-long career, she has dedicated herself to lifting underrepresented voices.